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BAC Film Screening and Discussion: Valor and Memory 北京美国中心电影展映与讨论:《勇气与回忆》
Time: Thursday, November 7, 2024, 6:30 PM – 8:30PM 时间:2024年11月7日(星期四)晚上6:30 - 8:30
Venue: Beijing American Center 地点:北京美国中心
The venue will open at 6 pm. The film is subtitled in Chinese. The event will be conducted in English with Chinese translation. 场地将于晚上6点开放。影片配有中文字幕。本次活动将以英文进行,并配有中文翻译。
Mr. Bill Einreinhofer, director/producer of the film and a three-time Emmy Award winner, will lead a discussion after the screening to further explore the lives and legacies of the Flying Tigers and why their stories are so important to remember. 本片的导演兼制片人,三次艾美奖得主比尔·艾因莱霍弗先生将出席活动并主持讨论环节,与大家一起探讨飞虎队的事迹和遗产,以及他们的事迹为何现在再次被赞颂。
Scan the QR code for details and registration: 请扫描二维码了解活动详情及报名:
Introduction 活动介绍
If you were watching TV news in China during October 2023, you might have been confused by the continuing coverage given to two elderly U.S. military veterans. Both served in China as members of a unit called the Flying Tigers during World War II, a time when America and China were allies. Camera crews followed them for days as they traveled across China. They even met with PRC Vice President Han Zheng, and American ambassador Nicholas Burns. 如果你在2023年10月在中国看电视新闻,你可能会被对两位年迈的美国退伍军人的持续报道所迷惑。二战期间,两人都曾作为飞虎队的成员在中国服役,当时美国和中国是盟友。摄制组跟随他们在中国各地旅行了几天。他们甚至会见了中国国家副主席和美国大使。
How is it these American heroes are largely forgotten at home yet still celebrated in China 为什么这些英雄在美国国内基本上已被遗忘,而在中国仍然被颂扬?
Valor and Memory answers that question. It explores the complex historical relationship between the United States and China and tells the story of the “Flying Tigers,” American pilots who travelled to China to help its people fight against tyranny. The film also tells the story of the “Chinese Tigers” – Chinese pilots who earned their wings at American flight schools in places like Arizona and Texas – and the “Chinese American Tigers” – U.S. citizens whose families came from China. The U.S. army sent these soldiers and pilots to China because of their language and cultural knowledge as much as for their technical skills. 《勇气与回忆》很好地回答了这个问题。此片探讨了美国和中国之间复杂的历史关系。这是关于“飞虎队”的故事,美国飞行员前往中国帮助中国人民击退野蛮的入侵;这是关于“中国飞虎”的故事,在亚利桑那州和德克萨斯州等地的美国飞行学校学习的中国飞虎队员”,毕业后回国保卫自己的家园;还有所谓的“华裔飞虎”,他们是在美国大城市的“唐人街”长大的年轻人,他们被美国军方派往中国学习语言和文化知识,以及他们的战术技能。
The “Flying Tigers,” the “Chinese Tigers,” and “Chinese American Tigers” have almost all passed into history. But their valor and sacrifices deserve to be remembered. “飞虎队”、“中国飞虎”和“华裔飞虎”几乎都已成为历史。但他们的英勇和牺牲值得被永远铭记。
This event will be the"world premiere" of the film. Director/Producer Bill Einreinhofer said, “I can think of no better way to celebrate the people-to-people ties between ourAmerica and China than for my new film to debut in China,to aChineseaudience.” 本次活动将是这部电影的“全球首映”。导演兼制片人比尔·艾因莱霍弗说:“让我的新电影在中国首映,展现给中国的观众 - 我想不出有比这更好的方式来庆祝美国和中国之间的人文交流了。”
Bill Einreinhofer is a three-time Emmy Award winner, and has developed and produced programming for ABC, CBS, Discovery, HBO and Public TV. He is Chair Emeritus of the Broadcast Journalism department at the New York Film Academy. 比尔·艾因莱霍弗先生是三次艾美奖得主,曾为ABC,CBS, Discovery, HBO和Public TV开发和制作节目。他是纽约电影学院广播新闻系的名誉主席。
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This event is open to the general public. Audio or video recording of the program will not be permitted. Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Embassy Press Office.
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